Dirty Dozen Maintenance, Flight Crew, Ground Crew posters and many other Safety Aids
Video length - 22 minutes
This video was the third of the series produced by System Safety Services.
The video is based on an actual fatal accident in a semi-homebuilt jet used for air-shows. The personalities of the accident participants play a role in the errors in judgment that lead to the fatal accident. Regulations that normally act as Safety Nets are missing for this incident. (See Case Study #3 below)
The video is used in System Safety Services, Human Performance in Maintenance Part 1 (Fixed wing and helicopter), workshop as well as in our Crew Decision Making Part 1 workshop.
Copies of this video, the training booklet and the facilitator notes that accompany it, may be obtained directly from System Safety Services in on DVD with appropriate chapters.
Cost of this video or others in the series is $175.00 Canadian funds plus shipping and handling.
Funds from the videos are used to produce further training videos in the series.